Tea Bag

Breakfast Rush

Project Type: Game Jam

Game Jam: https://itch.io/jam/uol-bonfire-jam

Technology Stack: Unity, Aseprite

Role: Game Designer, Programmer

GitHub: Bonfire Jam


This game was created for 1 day (even the jam was 2 days) as a part of the UoL Bonfire Game Jam. The game jam theme was “Warmth“.

As I enjoy drinking tea and coffee often, I decided to create a game about jumping tea bags that wanted to get into a cup of boiling water. As I did not want to create “another” platformer, I decided to experiment with physics and unusual controls. The mouse was used for calculating direction and jump magnitude, while space was responsible for handling jump action itself.

To make the game more attractive I added a “water temperature” level which indicated player time left for level passing.

“Water temperature” timer

To introduce challenge feeling, I have added a toaster and pins, which will break the tea bag if the player collides with them. To represent finish I have used a cup object.

After the initial prototype was ready, I draw some sprites and animations using “Aseprite”. To have some aesthetics, I added sounds and chill background music.

To Improve

As a player, I feel frustrated as no guide about jump control was present. The camera feels too zoomed in, because of this some level objects are not visible. There are some “double” sprite renders as well as the level transition is too abrupt which in total breaks the game feeling a little.